July 27, 2024
By Hannah Rudderham Saint John Airport recorded a peak wind speed of up to 104 km/h on Monday Greg Hall is no stranger to high winds or tropical storms. The results of the wind and rain on Monday still surprised him. Four large trees were felled by the warm storm in December that hit Grand Bay-Westfield. These trees were whipping and bending around like palm trees. “I’ve never witnessed anything similar,” said he. Hall stated that the wind seemed to worsen as the day progressed. The unseasonably warm weather on Monday brought high winds, which caused outages in the entire […]

By Hannah Rudderham

Saint John Airport recorded a peak wind speed of up to 104 km/h on Monday

Greg Hall is no stranger to high winds or tropical storms. The results of the wind and rain on Monday still surprised him.

Four large trees were felled by the warm storm in December that hit Grand Bay-Westfield.

These trees were whipping and bending around like palm trees. “I’ve never witnessed anything similar,” said he.

Hall stated that the wind seemed to worsen as the day progressed.

The unseasonably warm weather on Monday brought high winds, which caused outages in the entire region.

Clayton Beaton is a N.B. Power said that at its peak, on Monday, over 32,000 customers had been affected, mainly due to high winds.

On Tuesday, there were only 9,500 people left.

Tony Gautreau is the Grand Bay Westfield emergency response manager and fire chief. He told CBC Shift that Tuesday, most Grand Bay Westfield residents have their electricity back. Those who don’t or cannot stay home over night should contact the town office.

He said that a warming and charging center was set up in the Town Hall, which will remain open until eight p.m.

Environment Canada reports that the Saint John Airport recorded the highest wind speed in the province on Monday.

Hall reported that the wind and rain had both entered his home, along with trees that were blown over.

It was just like washing your house with pressure. He said it was amazing ….. The water pushed right through the logs’ joints.

Hall says that the rest of his neighborhood did not fare any better. Hall said that before his property was damaged, he had heard the sirens of fire trucks outside and saw trees downed in his neighbors’ yards.

He began recording the video when he felt that it “was getting close to home.”

Two trees fell on his side yard. He heard a loud boom, like “a couple of trucks hitting his house” a few moments later.

He found the two large trees that had fallen across the front, just barely missing the window.

Hall says that one of his trees has broken the stone wall at the back of his home. He still needs to assess the full extent and damage done to both the house and the property.

It looks like today we are going to have a party with chainsaws, and some of our friends will be coming over to help clean the mess.

Hall was not the only local to be affected by the strong winds.

On Monday in Saint John, a roof collapsed on a four-story apartment building located on Britain Street. Red Cross personnel were on scene in Saint John Monday evening, and the tenants spent their night at a nearby hotel.

On Tuesday, the City of Saint John sent out a press release attributed to Fire Chief Kevin Clifford. According to the statement, the damaged roof caused water to enter the building and “expose some electrical infrastructure” to heavy rain.

The building was assessed and it was determined “that the electrical infrastructure is not compromised.”

In the statement, it was stated that contractors were still working on the roof and moving materials. The property owner would inform tenants of the safe return date.

Some areas experienced localized flooding on Monday due to the rising water levels.

Mechanic Settlement in Kings County, on Route 114 recorded the most rainfall at 88 mm.

In addition, two regions set records for temperature. Many areas in the central and south also reached double-digits.

Doaktown set a record 15.2 C. This is 0.2 degrees higher than the 1966 record. Saint John also broke a record set in 1969 of 13.9 C by reaching 14.6 C.

According to Environment Canada the highest temperature in the province on Monday was recorded at Sussex, where it reached 17 C.

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